Hello Doctors, Doctors-To-Be!
Feb’21 has been a fantastic month! In Feb’s first week, our students from the first batch started clinical rotations in Nepal and India. We joined the cancer awareness marathon on World Cancer Day, and finally, things are much better now!
Without further ado, let’s dive into exciting things:
#1 Celebrating Early 2021 Milestones: A Message From Vice-Chancellor.

Dear Students,
After the unpleasant year that 2020 has been, we looked up to 2021 as a promise of a better future with brighter days.
2021 clicked into our lives with a new ray of hope in terms of COVID-19 vaccines. That’s a milestone worth celebrating, not just as a part of the medical community but the worldwide community of people.
Now, after spending two months into 2021, we have hit another milestone. Yes, students from the first batch of LAU started clinical rotations in Nepal and India in the first week of Feb. This is remarkable.
To celebrate the milestone, first, I extend my heartiest congratulations to clinical students. Each one of you has come a long way in your journey to realizing your big dream of becoming a doctor. And now, here you are, undergoing clinical rotations. 2 more years of hard work, and you’ll be out as fully qualified medical professionals. I also congratulate all the parents and guardians who have supported their children on every step of this challenging path, in every way possible.
Also, I express my gratitude to all the LAU faculty members, partners, counselors, and staff without whose efforts and trust we could not reach where we are today.
To the students in pre-medical and basic sciences phases and medical-dreamers in school — Keep going doctors-to-be. Your bright future in medicine awaits you.
Today, together, let’s celebrate this milestone of commencement of LAU’s first-ever clinical rotations, and cheers to many more in the years to come!
Best wishes,
Air Marshal (Dr) Pawan Kapoor
AVSM, VSM, and BAR (Retd),
Former Director-General of Medical Services (IAF),
Vice-Chancellor, Lincoln American University
#2 Play USMLE Quiz March 2021🎓
USMLE Step 1 Quiz for March 2021 is out today. Play the quiz online. It will hardly take 5 minutes. Study questions carefully and play with peace of mind. We hope to see you score 5/5!
#3 Cheers: LAU’s First Clinical Rotations Has Started!
Feb-1-2021 marked a milestone in the LAU’s history as our first batch started clinical rotations in Manmohan Memorial Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal!
Congratulations, students! And, very best of luck for this most challenging phase of medicine. In case you missed it, here are few glimpses from the orientation program:

#4 You Asked: How To Apply For Admission To LAU In 2021?
To apply to one of the upcoming batches of LAU medical programs, you can:
File an application for online admission. The online application process is entirely paperless and needs no visit to the office.
Call us on LAU toll-free number 1800-843-9595. Once we get your call, our counselors will guide you through the application process.
Visit the nearest LAU office. You can explore our nearest admission office on the LAU contact page and book an appointment online.
#5 Good News: LAU Students Start Clinical Rotations at Max, Delhi!
Students from the first LAU batch have started clinical rotations at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi.
We wish students all the best for this most challenging phase of the MD program. Few glimpses from the orientation program:

#6 Is Lincoln American University Right Fit For You?
To explore if a medical university is the right fit for you to pursue your medical dreams, the best you can do is contact the students studying there and ask about their experience with the university.
To explore a bit more about LAU and see what you can expect here, meet Grace Ifeoluwa Olusanya, MBBS student at LAU, sharing her experience:
#7 From LAU Blog: Clinical Rotations In Nepal.
Besides arranging clinical rotations in Guyana, India, and United States, LAU offers you the opportunity to pursue your clinical rotations in Nepal at Manmohan Memorial Teaching Hospital (MMTH), premier multi-specialty care and teaching hospital.
If you’d like to explore the opportunity, here is everything you need to know about clinical rotations In Nepal:
#8 World Cancer Day: Cancer Can Be Cancelled!

While awareness is not a cure in itself, it’s a path to the treatment. Per WHO, Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Tobacco use, alcohol use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity are major cancer risk factors worldwide. With awareness, these risk factors can be curtailed, and cancer cases can be reduced.
Besides, awareness is what leads people with cancer symptoms to get tested early, get cancer diagnosed and treated as early as possible, and save their lives while getting all support from the community.
To do our bit in helping cancer survivors cancel their cancer, the least we can do is to spread awareness around it. So, let’s join the cancer conversation with #IAmAndIWill and spread a message of hope!
#9 COVIDTIMES: Updates.
The Variants:
Like most of the viruses that undergo mutations, the same is true for coronavirus SARS-2. There are a number of variants of the virus circulating globally. Three of the prominent ones are as under:
- Variant B.1.1.7 with a large number of mutations has been reported from UK. This spreads more easily and quickly than the original coronavirus SARS-2 and some other known variants.
- Another variant called B.1.351 emerged independently of B.1.1.7 in South Africa. It shares some of its mutations with B.1.1.7.
- A third variant called P.1 was first identified in travelers from Brazil. This variant contains a set of additional mutations that may affect its ability to be recognized by antibodies.
It is felt that these variants spread more easily and quickly than other variants. This is a cause of worry as it would mean more COVID-19 cases that will put greater strain on the healthcare delivery systems of the nation states leading to more hospitalizations and consequently more deaths. The studies done so far reveal that the currently authorized vaccines do generate antibodies that are able to recognize these variants. More and larger sample size studies are, however, needed to confirm these observations.
The scientist community is currently working rigorously to acquire more knowledge about these variants and more studies are needed to understand their current spread in different regions of the globe, whether the disease caused is similar to the original COVID 19, whether they can be detected by the existing diagnostic tests, and as to how these variants may affect exiting therapies, vaccines and test.
#10 Guyana Byte: Know A Bit More About Guyana!

Did you know?
Mount Roraim is the highest point in Guyana. Mt. Roraim also serves as the tripoint of Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil.
#11 Your Time A/c: A Lesson from Marc Levy’s If Only It Were True.
Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day.
What would you do?
Draw out every cent, of course.
Each of us has such a bank; its name is time. Every morning, it credits you 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off at a loss; whatever of this you failed to invest to a good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow." You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and health. The clock is running. Make the most of today.
Lesson: Each moment of time is precious; once gone can’t be earned back. So, make the most of every second and live your life to the fullest.
🧩Quiz [The Answer Is Hidden In Text of This Newsletter.]
Out of these, which one is the most important risk factor for cancer:
- A. Tobacco use
- B. Alcohol use
- C. Unhealthy diet
- D. Physical inactivity
😂For A Good Laugh: